Dally Scholarship Fund

Outrageously Zipped aka “Dallas,Dal, Dally, MooMoo” came to the farm in 2005 as a 3 year old. We purchased her from some close friends. We were hopeful that she would be competitive on the Show Circuit. It’s sometimes funny how we think we are looking for one thing and the Universe gives us something completely different yet.. its exactly what we need. 

Dally fit right in here. I rode her and so did some of the kids. One of those kids was Veronica Daugherty, with whom Dally formed a life long bond. Nic and Dal spent many years together learning from each other and being a local show Team. Dallas then went on to teach many youngsters the basics of riding and horsemanship. She was quiet, steady, and trustworthy to put little people and adults on. 

In 2010, after I hit my head in a riding accident, we lost my big show horse Bodie. I was stricken. Dallas being her amazing self stepped up and did all she could to fill his shoes and then some. With my head injury came a new and different awareness and exploration in how to work WITH a horse instead of forcing them to do your bidding. This began a still in process revelation into RELATIONSHIP with the Herd. By then, Dallas was turned out with the herd and had taken over as lead mare. To say she was on the forefront in my Journey is an understatement. Dallas was the cornerstone of the program I have been developing for over a decade. The quote “ change your energy, change your life” was an immediate reflection in our Herd with her at the Lead. 

Dally sustained an injury to her pelvis in the pasture a few years ago and was no longer able to be ridden. Just after that in 2019 I completed my Mentorship in Equine Facilitated Learning. That Fall we had a workshop here with both of my mentors. Dally was once again the first to Volunteer for the work. She showed us that just because a horse cannot be ridden doesn’t mean that they don’t have something to offer people. 

For the past 4 years Dallas was once again in the lead in our program. Teaching kids and adults what it meant to be accepted and appreciated. Helping them learn and grow. From Herd walks, Open Groom Night, Chakra Dances with a Horse, Children reading to her, even Kids painting her. She was ALWAYS there. 

We lost Dallas to an injury this Fall. The impact of her passing has yet to fully be felt here. Her presence is and will be deeply missed. To honor her and all that she brought and gave we have started the “ Dally Fund”. This is a scholarship program for kids who cannot afford to have sessions with the Herd. This was the very best way we could come up with to help her teaching and giving legacy to go on. 

Please consider donating to help a child learn and grow. No amount is too small. 

Thank you, 

Niki Jones 

Founder and Keeper of the Heartsing Herd